December 20, 2011

cut out

Woven Together

Woven Together
Collaborative Canvas, Spring 2011

This project took place at a World Christian Fellowship event at Wheaton College. The attendees enjoyed music, and coffee followed by worship and a message. These canvases were available to them at the back of the room.
The participants were given no prompt other than the lines pre-painted on the canvas. Each participant ended up choosing a segment to make their own. 

The canvases we then displayed in the Beamer Center on the Art Wall.

September 25, 2011

April 10, 2011


I got to go to Trader Joes yesterday (!!!). I picked out goat cheese, gouda and green tea and I guess I was feeling so luxurious (must have been the 70 degree weather or something...) I couldn't resist a bundle of freesia blooms. So... I splurged.

But wait, I can justify them!
They smell like my backyard in the summertime. And they were my grandma's favorite. And they send shivers of happiness up my fingers and down my spine.

April 8, 2011

This is a cd case for a friend of mine!

March 25, 2011

February 27, 2011


"This is the Song (Good Luck)"
by the Punch Brothers

February 19, 2011


The Sun is coming back. Feel it in your bones.

On the green of the hill
We will drink our fill
Of golden sunshine,
Till our brains intertwine
With the glory and grace of Apollo!
